State of the market – Autumn 2024

As we wave farewell to Summer and set our sights more firmly on 2024, there is one over-riding phrase that sums up the current state of the market….it’s getting busier! Could it be that the market is turning? There are a number of indicators that lead us to believe...

State of the market – Spring 2023

There is a lot of energy right now in North Coast real estate. Buyers have made a solid return to the market, buoyed in part by the plateauing of interest rates. Buyers are less concerned about the potential for future rate rises and have a better handle on their...

State of the market – Winter 2023

We wanted to start this newsletter edition with some classic Ted Lasso quotes (if you haven’t seen this program yet then do yourselves a favour!).  “There’s two buttons I never like to hit: that’s panic and snooze.”  “You know what the happiest animal on earth is?...

State of the market – Autumn 2023

The halcyon days of covid when FOMO ruled the local real estate market are now behind us. Since this time, the market has been in a long transition period of ‘refinding’ itself. But we have now landed.  Our best word to describe the current market is to say that...

State of the market – Summer 2023

Well, what a difference a year makes. Just twelve short months ago we were talking about the FOMO effect and how absolutely everything was selling.  Now, we’re in a very different situation.  We can probably describe the present situation as a kind of ‘hit and miss’...

State of the market – Spring 2022

The world of real estate is in constant change as we migrate through the cycles. Stay in the game long enough and you soon recognise another cycle rippling your way, and so it is for the present north coast market. The best description we have for the current market...

State of the market – Winter 2022

The current real estate market can be characterised as ‘stable’. Overall, there has been a slowdown and this is creating a more constant situation, where buyers have more time to make decisions. The sense of panic that we witnessed as recently as six months ago is...

State of the market – Autumn 2022

Given the size and magnitude of the recent flood emergency, just how the floods will affect the local property market is hard to know.  After the Brisbane floods of 2011, some flood impacted suburbs experienced a 6-10 per cent loss in value, so we can guestimate a 10...

State of the market – Summer 2022

The north coast property market continues to strengthen and is in a better position than just three months ago. We now have more stock for buyers, with the traditional Spring market bringing out a moderate rise in new properties for sale. What’s on offer? Right now...

State of Market – Spring 2021

It’s a curious thing to be reflecting on real estate market conditions on the North Coast after emerging from five weeks of lockdown smack bang into what is traditionally our busiest period. As usual, COVID continues to rewrite the rulebook, but there are plenty of...